Sunday, March 23, 2008


Hello Samantha,

My name is Amyadoptee. I have been following Shawn's story for quite some time. In fact, I met Shawn and his family a few months ago. I speak with his mother regularly. Her number is in my speed dial. I will call her about this as well. I have a picture of Shawn and Hunter on my desk. Why? To remind me of the fight that I must continue until the wrong to him and many others is corrected. To keep people like you and LDS Family Services from ever doing something like this EVER AGAIN.

This is the comment she left behind. I think she thought that I did not review the comments and it would be posted without any notice on my part. Presenting Samantha Myers.

ex girlfriend of Shawn Mcdonald:
first and for most we need to get one thing straight a jury who had never met Shawn decide the placement of hunter, these were people who had never met him if he was such a good man that he claims to be then why does he not have hunter or his OTHER son Deagon that he SIGNED HIS RIGHTS OVER ON or his 4 year old daughter that lives with me that he rarely pays child support on and abandoned for a year!!!!! oh and the rest of his family abandoned for a year also!!! so maybe every body should step back 4 a minute and look at the factors that are pointing to this so called " DADDY OF THE YEAR"

Let me address your comments in full. Of course the jury didn't decide the placement of Hunter. The placement of Hunter should have never occurred. Courtesy of you and Eric Larson, you saw to it that Hunter was placed without his consent. As far as I am concerned, he is a good man. Lets see here. You think you are the Mother of the Year. I think not. Did you put your daughter in a closet when she has spilled something or done something a child does? Didn't Shawn discuss that issue with you? From what I hear anyway, you were also brought in front of a family court judge who was going to award custody of your daughter to her father. Lets not forget the tape that was recorded about the so called abandonment. You hid your pregnancy from him. You also hid your daughter from her father for close to a year as well. Forget child support. You intentionally hid both children from their father. You intentionally placed a child without the father's consent. Lets also discuss that you don't even want to recognize Hunter as your son.

Lets also discuss Eric Larson, the social worker from LDS Social Services. The agency was fined a hefty $100,000 for their part in concealing Hunter from Shawn Hunter. Oh and that tape. It spilled it out very well for the court didn't it. Shawn has not lost custody of his son. This adoption is not even final. Is Eric Larson supposed to start his probation soon? Two years wasn't it? Right now its just a conservatorship over Hunter. Shawn is not going to back down. Don't worry he will have custody of Hunter.

There is excellent documentation of child support. I have seen those as well. I know that you lie. In time, all will be proven. Its a shame that you can not placed in jail for lying to the courts. Maybe I will suggest it the McDonald family. Its called perjury. Keep pushing it girl. I have friends. You should be called an adoption industrialist.

As far as Deagon is concerned, I have even seen the court case on that one. It was coercion to the hilt. You know it too. You know that the grandfather in his case was doing everything he can to have Shawn arrested. Isn't that what you are trying to do now? You think that you can get away with it. Nope its not gonna happen. Aren't the Hess's relatives of your current boyfriend? Yes I even know their names. Be careful honey you ain't gonna rain on this parade. I trash you before you do. By the way this little comment will be forwarded to Shawn's attorneys. Maybe they will include you in the lawsuit as well. Yep I know about that one too. Careful girl you are on the wrong turf to be starting stuff.


Gershom Kaligawa said...

well, isn't that interesting.

Anonymous said...

My oh my.