In this article, the Azerbaijan government is requiring visitation and reports on the child for up to three years after the adoption. They also make it very clear on how the adoption fees will be charged. The other interesting part to this is the agency has to be Hague accredited but they also have to be accedited by the State Committee for Problems of Family, Women & Children. Its only by the looks of it for two years.
Here is the article.

Baku, Fineko/ The Cabinet Ministers issued Decision #166 from July 22, 2008 on approval of “Order of certification of bodies given juridical support in the area of adoption to foreigners and non-citizens of Azerbaijan. The Cabinet press service reports that foreigners and non-citizens of Azerbaijan can adopt children in the country through central bodies of juridical support of certification.
Activity of accreditation body bears non-commercial character. The accreditation body cannot receive unfounded finances relating to adoption or any other profit. The body can be paid necessary finances relating to expenditures, including for legal assistance, wage to employees, registration of documents and gathering of data about life of children. Cost of services is defined by the signed agreement.
Accreditation authority is given for two-year period. Bodies of foreign countries acceded to the Hague Convention on Protection of Adopted Children can acts in Azerbaijan if central bodies (State Committee for Problems of Family, Women & Children) give a relevant permit.
Accreditation bodies should provide data within 24 hours to central body abut depth of the adopted child, treatment towards the adopted child, non-adaptation of the child in the new family, refusal from adoption or transfer of the child to another family.
Bodies desiring to get the right of accreditation can be decline in case provision of false information, negative reference, difficulty to protect the child and in other cases.
Accreditation bodies should report to central bodies about conditions of life and raising in the family of the adopted child. In the first year of adoption a report should be submitted for 7 months after five months of adoption have passed. The second report should be submitted for at least 13 months after 11 months of adoption, the third one for at least 19 months after 18 motnhs of adoption, the fourth for at least 25 months after 23 months, the fifth or at bat least 37 month after 35 months of adoption. In necessary cases the report can be presented after three years and before the adopted child reached his lawful age.
Accreditation bodies should keep confidentiality of data and documents presented in the process of adoption.
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