Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Basic with Discount Coupon Code

What would you do with the extra time if you could have your computer really work for you? Most people type about forty words a minute. I know personally that I type about sixty words per minute. According to Dragon Naturally Speaking, most people speak about 120 words per minute. What would you do if you could speak to your computer and your computer did all the typing for you? How much time do you think that you would save? I bet quite a lot. You would become more efficient at your job. You would be able to edit your work faster because you had more time.

Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Basic with Discount Coupon Code

Currently Dragon Naturally Speaking is offering various discounts on their software. Today however is the last day for those specials. Today is also the last day for tax related savings. If you own a business where this could help you, you could write this off on your tax return.

These are the coupon codes currently being offered with their software:

$50 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred" rel="nofollow">$25 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard" rel="nofollow">$25 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -MacSpeech Dictate" alt="Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Basic with Discount Coupon Code" border="0" />

So if you want to speed up your typing time with your speaking time, check out Dragon Natually Speaking.


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