Saturday, February 10, 2007



Test at birth
Gordon E. Finley, Miami, Fla.
For the Monitor
here-->February 09. 2007 8:00AM
Iencourage your Legislature to mandate DNA testing at birth ("When children call the wrong man Daddy," Monitor editorial, Feb. 4). When the presumption is made during marriage that the husband also is the father or when an unmarried mother is permitted to name the father sans DNA testing - and either the presumption or the naming is in error - paternity fraud occurs.
The tragic and unnecessary consequences of paternity fraud fall first and foremost on children. Not only do children learn that the man they thought was their biological father is not, but they also learn that their mother lied to them and had sex with a man other than the one they believed was their biological father. Both consequences can be devastating to a child.
The tragic consequences of paternity fraud fall next upon the presumed (through marriage) or named man who is in fact not the biological father because the mother had sex with another man. In the absence of mandatory DNA testing at birth, the married (and subsequently divorced) or named man is obliged by the state to pay child support.
The only parties who would lose under laws requiring DNA testing at birth are wives who commit adultery or unmarried women who, for whatever reason, name an innocent man.
I urge your Legislature to legislate justice and emotional well-being for both children and men.

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