Friday, November 16, 2007


Illinois, Utah, Michigan, Iowa, and many other states are reading this report for the first time. We have newspapers all over this country putting this information out.

Adam Pertman was on NPR radio. Grannie Annie was in two newspapers. I was in the Houston Chronicle. We are coming up and fighting back. We shall be heard. We will make our choices known. Its time to act folks.

The Associated Press. Thank you Mr. Crary. His article was in many newspapers in this country.
Utah is looking to curb baby selling. How about shutting down the American Center of Choice first? They are despicable for what they are doing to these fathers.
Utah newspapers are also supporting adoptee access.
Illinois is doing it big time.
Texas, right in the heart of Gladney country.
Iowa is also pushing it in their newspapers.
Fraud in adoption. Like this is a new one on us.
New York. Support their fight by going here.
New Jersey.

We are coming out full force. We as parents and adoptees are letting our opinions known.

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