Thursday, November 01, 2007


This was on the Stephanie and Evelyn Bennett Post. I am not going to put that on that post because it was about a young woman who was defrauded out of her child. She deserves the honor of staying there with her story being told loud and clear.

The comment is someone from my neck of the woods. I am not originally from this area. I was raised in Corpus Christi Texas. I call many parts of Texas home. This area as many know is a little harder to accept and call home. I am just not there yet. My children go to school in Electra. I work in Wichita Falls. I am very much an outsider here. That doesn't really bother me. I have lived my life that way all of my life. I probably don't know your family in Punkin City. Don't go there much if ever. I spend my time doing other things in other places.

This is the comment in response to a TXCare poster and myself wanting to go after The Gladney Adoption Center.

I am sorry you feel the way you do. I am a birthmother that was at Gladney in 77. We were reunited with our dtr in 1999 and all has been good thanks to EG. I hope you find the peace you are searching for.

Anonomous in Chillicothe

PS I bet you know my family in Punkin.

Oh lord this has been a week for education for me. Do you know that Gladney doesn't support adoptee access? Their attorney, Heidi Cox, testified against adoptee access to their very own records. Those records which rightfully belong to you and your daughter. I listened to their testimony on the State of Texas webpage. Their excuse is to protect you from your child. I know of one case where Gladney shipped one mother to Kansas because of issues with laws here in the state of Texas. Did you know that back in the baby scoop era that Gladney forbade women to name the father? I have heard this from other Gladney mothers. That post was about another person. Do I feel adoption as it stands now should change? Yes it should be back in the hands living adoption. Gladney adoption center doesn't feel that you, your daughter and I are capable of handling our affairs. They continue to profit off our very backs. They charge for reunion, for the birth, and for the adoption itself. How can you as a natural mother continue to support a system that is filled with coercion, lies, and corruption?


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