Sunday, March 02, 2008


By Alison Larkin

I got the wonderful opportunity to review this delightful book. I can honestly say its worth it.

Synopsis: Pippa Dunn is an American adoptee raised by British parents. In this novel, it is her story and journey of search and reunion. Life, she discovers, is not so sweet and simple.

The first page of this book had me hooked. Her philosophy is one that I have lived most of my life.

"I think everyone should be adopted. That way, you can meet your birth parents when you're old enough to cope with them. Of course it's all a bit of a lottery. You never know who you're going to get as parents. I got lucky. Then again, if I'd been adopted by Mia Farrow, rather than Mum and Dad, today I could be married to Woody Allen.

As far as the side effects are concerned, I discovered early on that key to dealing with a fear of abandonment is to date people you don't like, so if they do leave, it doesn't matter. Either that or guarantee fidelity by dating people no one wants."

The author tackles the side effects of adoption straight up in the second paragraph (see above). There is a raw truth in these words that allows adoptees to laugh at their own antics.

I related to the character on so many levels. She is the adoptee that floats through her life. She is the eternally people pleasing adoptee. Adptees for the most part don't even realize that they have this character quirk. Her adoptive family is the classic British family. Perfect in polite society. Her mother and sister are perfectly coiffed and organized. The author comparatively is disorganized, messy, creative, and flamboyant. Pippa is an adoptee who feels like a fish out of water. As that type of adoptee, I fully get this feeling. I had too had three perfectly coiffed sisters that never went anywhere without makeup, that were always neat and tidy, and who could absolutely perfect in polite society. Here I am ~ I can't even wear white because without fail, I always dribble something on either the shirt or pants. As she describes her search, the walls that I have run into are the very ones that I bang my head on every day. I also get the feeling that she is just floating through her emotions.

She then reunites with Billie. Again being still in the adoptee fog, she is still the people pleasing adoptee and is riding the roller coaster ride of adoption. She discovers aspects of her personality are like both of her first parents. She relates to them on so many levels. As much as she loves them, she discovers the darkside of the ride. She learns through a dear friend how to say no. She also learns that there is boundaries that she must set to understand and heal herself. At the end of this journey, she also discovers love.

It is a story that touched my heart. It is also a story that made me look at my stalled search in more realistic terms. It brought tears to my eyes as it will many readers. Its heartwarming and hopeful. All I can say is get the book. It is awesome.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I'm reading it right now! My review is coming :) Stay tuned. I'm LOVING it :)