Friday, September 26, 2008


According to this article, a pastor in Greenville, Texas was arrested for possessing child pornography. This story is bad enough on its own. A pastor of a church owning child pornography is horrible. There is a little something at the end of the article that terrifies me. This man adopted a child from Ethiopia. What pictures were on his computer? Are they of this child? Is this another Masha Allen case in the making? Read the article below. Notice the parts in red. Who was the adoption agency that did this man's homestudy? Who was the adoption that placed this child in this man's home? Since Greenville is so close to Dallas Fort Worth area, I bet money that the agency involved was Gladney.

Here is the story.

FUMC-Royse City stunned by pastor’s arrest

Herald-Banner Staff

ROYSE CITY September 25, 2008 05:59 pm

Members of the First United Methodist Church were in shock when they learned that their pastor, Steve Richardson, had been arrested by agents of the Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) on charges relating to child pornography.
Richardson was taken into custody on Wednesday on a charge of transporting child pornography, at which time agents confiscated his computer and executed warrants at his home and church.
According to a statement released by the office of U.S. Attorney Richard B. Roper, Richardson has already admitted to ICE agents that he had been trading child pornography online using his work computer.
The trading apparently took place on a “Google Hello” Internet program.
The arrest was the result of a long-term investigation by ICE that involved at least two other persons.
According to Roper’s statement, the investigation began in August 2007 when ICE Special Agents executed a search warrant in a child pornography investigation at the residence of an individual who consented to agents assuming his online presence on Google Hello to communicate with individuals involved in distributing child pornography.
On December 20, 2007, an ICE Special Agent, using that identity in an undercover capacity said he communicated with and received an image of child pornography from Hello user “cowboysspades.” He received a total of six images from “cowboysspades,” one of which fits the definition of child pornography (the other images would be considered child erotica).
In a Sept. 26, 2007 ICE raid, special agents executed a search warrant on a private residence which resulted in the seizure of computers and arrest of an individual for possession of child pornography.
That individual advised that one of the screen names he remembered trading with on Google Hello was “cowboysspades” and that “cowboysspades” had sent him “homemade” images within the past three months.
Examination of that person’s computer revealed a folder named “from coyboysspades,” which contained approximately 30 images of child pornography.
According to investigators, the Google Hello records for “cowboysspades” lists the email address as “” Further investigation revealed that the Yahoo! e-mail name “” is registered to Steve Richardson in Royse City, Texas, with the same IP address as one of the nine IP addresses “cowboysspades” used to logon to his Hello account.
The statement goes on to say, “Further forensic investigation revealed additional chats between ‘cowboysspades’ and others. In one, ‘cowboysspades’ received and distributed dozens of images of child pornography including several images of infants engaged in sexually explicit conduct.”
Steve Richardson and his wife adopted an infant girl from Ethiopia, which they brought home to the United States on May 5. Currently, there is no reference to the international adoptee in the criminal complaint.
Richardson came to Royse City in August of 2006 following five years of service with the First United Methodist Church in Boyd.


The Improper Adoptee said...

This makes my skin crawl Amy, and I am very scared for the innocent little baby this loser and his wife adopted-I hope they didn't touch her-and look at this asshole's email address-what the hell is wrong with Yahoo that they would approve something as digusting as that? They need to look at new addresses that are made constantly, because the one he made SCREAMS out that he is a sicko pervert child molester-we have a preist here, who last year, molested boys and stole a million dollars from the church he worked at-when is this going to stop? I think if people want to be Christian, they should just worship at home in their familiies, Church clergy can not be trusted, and most of them are liars, theives and child abusers and use Churches as a cover. I hope this lunatic gets life in prison-and that should be standard for all child molesters. People need to be aware too that pedophiles DO adopt to have access to a child to molest-just like some people adopt animals from a shelter to sell them to testing labs or to use in some stupid religious sacrifise-I am tired of waiting for the day, when the helpless are no longer victimized in this country and in this world.

Amyadoptee said...

I know what you are saying Improper. Its scary. What is really bad is that I found this story several pages back when I googled adopted child. This story will probably be buried. Very buried by the adoption industry. Lord knows that is what happened with a few other stories that had pedophile twist to it. I can not find the stories about the other pastor who did this. There was another man who molested an adopted child. Both are in jail. Their stories were kept very low key. Its more about the publicity to the adoption industry than it is the child involved. Good thing is that it will forever be logged on my blog.

The Improper Adoptee said...

You go girl! :)