Friday, March 17, 2006


Okay where the hell did this come from? I would really like to know. My friends and I are adoption haters. I really like that one. I spent today reading about how many members of our triad are being attacked on all fronts now. All most of us want is adoption reform. As I have said before, the horses and the cattle on this ranch have more papers than I do. They all have their own history that is recorded on paper. Even the socalled "doofuses" writing this kind of spew have their own papers.

We are all bitter and into pity parties. No WE ARE NOT. We want the country to know what the hell is going on. We want the world to know that women and children are being bought and sold. Not even animals are treated that way. PETA stands up for animal's rights. I don't agree with their politics but they get their point across. We for the most part are not a radical group of people. We just want equal rights and treatment that are afforded to normal people. What really concerns me is that women from all aspects of my life will be put into hazardous situations. I might not like all the women on this ranch but I will stand up and fight for their rights. I might not like many people but I will stand up for their rights. Because I live on a ranch, many people consider us poor. I worry that one of the women on this ranch will be faced with some horrific person trying to force adoption down her throat because she is considered poor.

Its because of people with this kind of attitude that many birthparents still are feeling shame. My birthmother lives in one of the most backwards states in our country. I know every time she thinks of me that she is reminded of her shame, her pain and her humiliation. How can I ever hope that she will break free of this and communicate with me? Especially when we have people out there calling adoptees, birthparents, and progressive adoptive parents adoption haters. To me you are calling out me, my family both birth and adoptive, and my friends. To me you are calling my mothers dirty names. You better watch it. I don't like that one little bit. All mothers, birth and adoptive, deserve love and respect. It sounds like you don't respect women and children in your life. Read what we have to say. We may not like adoption all of the time but we do believe that it serves a purpose. We just want it regulated to protect the rights of all involved especially the children. WE JUST WANT TO BE HEARD AND RECOGNIZED. THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY WRONGS IN ADOPTION THAT NEED TO BE RIGHTED.


Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to be unpleasant, but are you retarded?

Anonymous said...

Brian... you spineless waste of space.

If you aren't trying to be unpleasant you wanker (and yes... that IS meant to be unpleasant) then stand up like a MAN and be willing to engage in a conversation... leave an address... why HIDE!? Oh... of course... silly me... it's because you aren't evolved enough to be willing to actually DISCUSS these issues... just sentient enough to lob out a lame-ass insult.

Anonymous said...

Ermmm... sorry 'bout that... I totally understand if you want to delete my heated comment up there. I get rather protective of my fellow adoptees...

I shouldn't have lashed out like that.

Amyadoptee said...

That is why I left it up there. Just to show people like that what ignorant fools they really are. I guess Manuela they just don't get it. It is up to us adoptees, birthparents, and progressive adoptive parents to show them that we as a group count. That we deserve to be heard. Actually I was drawing the heat away from a friend of mine. I don't like that these kind of people are attacking friends of mine either. I tend to be very ferocious when it comes to family and friends.